Month: December 2014

Chocoholics rejoice! It’s (mostly) good news

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Health / Medicine / Myths / Psychology

We’ve all heard claims chocolate is healthy. But if you’re anything like me, you’ve wondered if that’s a vicious rumour started by a chocolate multinational. I’m delighted to tell you in fact scientists have found plenty of evidence for the health benefits of chocolate eaten in moderation. But there are a few things you need to know. A long but not so sweet history The Latin name for cocoa, Theobroma, means “food of the gods”. […]

Animals have talent

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Biology / Evolution / Zoology

Chimpanzees use blades of grass to ‘fish’ for termites, and capuchin monkeys use a hammer and anvil to crack open nuts. A mandrill has even been seen using a stick to get dirt out from under his toenails. We’ve known for a long time that other primates use tools but how about animals that aren’t our close relatives?