All posts tagged: distraction

Why you (probably) can’t multitask

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Myths / Psychology

How many different things are you trying to do right now? Reading this blog post while listening to a podcast, posting on Instagram and checking email? It’s easy to think you’ll be more productive by doing lots of things at once. But it turns out for almost all of us, effective multitasking is an illusion. You’re not really multitasking With the possible exception of texting while driving, you probably think multitasking is something to aspire […]

Why we procrastinate

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Myths / Psychology

It’s Friday afternoon. You’ve known for weeks your final report is due by the end of the day. But somehow you’ve managed to put off working on it until now. And you can’t possibly get it done in time. Sound familiar? According to one researcher, procrastination is ‘a common pulse of humanity’. Why do we procrastinate and how can we stop? Just do it……soon Procrastination is ‘voluntarily delaying an intended course of action despite expecting […]

A shocking lack of Zen

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Biology / Health

When was the last time you were alone with your thoughts for more than a moment or two? Did you enjoy the peace and quiet? Or did you desperately seek distraction? New research suggests many of us will go to great lengths to avoid simply having to think to ourselves.